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What's The Best Sealer To Use On My Granite, Marble, Or Travertine Surfaces?

If you're the do-it-yourself kind of person or a natural stone cleaning or installation professional, choosing the right sealer will protect your stone for years to come.

If you look on the shelf in your local home improvement store or ask a contractor, you will most likely get one of two answers: Impregnating Sealer or Penetrating Sealer.

Good news!  These are the same thing!   With natural stone, you do not want a topical coating.  With impregnating (and penetrating) sealers, the product goes below the surface, filling any microvoids.  By filling these pores, stains can't get below the surface to create a stain.

Although the type of sealer has an easy answer, not all sealers are created equal.

Like any product, the amount of active ingredient (or raw material) will determine its effectiveness.  Most sealers sold in big box stores must meet a price point that limits how strong a formulation can be produced and still make a profit.  Because of this, they are usually less effective.

The best way to tell this is by what it says is the suggested reapplication time.  If it says 6-24 months, this is a good indicator of a weaker product.  A good sealer will last three years or more with normal use on a residential surface.

StonePro Premium NanoSealers like Ultimate Pro and Porous Pro contain the highest level of protection.  When appropriately applied, it won't fail and will last five years or more with normal use of a residential surface.  When paired with our cleaning product formulated to work in conjunction with the sealer – Crystal Clean and Finishing Touch Spray, it will last a lifetime.

ultimate pro sealer for granite and stone countertops

Pro Cleaning Products is a national distributor for professional cleaning, sealing, and repair products that until recently, were only available to commercial stone fabrication, repair, and installation companies.  

If you need help picking out the right sealer, or have questions about anything else, feel free to ask us for help! We're here to make it easy.

Also, be sure to visit us on Facebook for more tips and tricks on how you can maintain your natural stone surfaces.